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Image by Priscilla Du Preez


Here For You

Individuals who are likely to benefit from my approach are those who desire an integrative
approach to health or perhaps are curious about the mind, body, spirit connection. I hold the
belief that healing takes place in the context of relationship both to ourselves and to others.
And, that much of our healing is about “recovering”, “reconnecting” and “remembering” our
innate worth as humans.

Typical goals that are addressed through the mind and body include:
· Exploring relationship to self
· Deepening the sense of connection to other
· Reclaiming a sense of balance
· Expanding capacity to tolerate feelings or enhancing the ability to access emotions
· Improving physical vitality and energy level
· Learning to slow down and settle the nervous system to improve digestion, sleep, or
overall health.
· Reducing symptoms such as anxiety or depression, and to lower stress and counter
digestive and autoimmune issues

Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT, is a collaborative short-term therapy technique that
is a very pragmatic, highly structured, and approach that usually focuses on current
problems. At times it can go more to the past if there are some ingrained issues of abuse
and addictions to deal with. It can help people manage complicated relationships, manage
stress, handle grief, and many other life issues. CBT works on the principle that the way we
think and feel affects how we behave, and this affects how we are in the world. It is a very
goal-oriented and problem-specific approach. CBT looks at finding new ways to look at
things and new ways to change our patterns. CBT looks to challenge old patterns and ways
of managing which are no longer useful and at times can be damaging. We can have some
very self-destructive patterns that need time and application to amend. CBT will not work if
you do not want to be involved in the process actively.

It is a very time limited approach and sessions can vary. 

Individual psychotherapy: Services
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